20 January 2025

Great Job; Worth the Wait

Great job

Neal Nelson

Man, am I proud of Neal Nelson! He landed a great job. It was worth the wait. His resilience and optimism inspire me. He led the devo at JS on 4/20. About two weeks later, he received this offer. Congratulations!

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Hey Dave,

I GOT A JOB! I accepted an offer from Sage Software for Field Sales Engineer. I will be providing software demonstrations and value messaging to customers as part of the pre-sales team that partner with Account Execs in their sales efforts. It’s a role suited to my background and also will be exposing me to the manufacturing side of ERP which is a new area for me.

I’m excited, nervous, and pumped about this new challenge! This opportunity came about because of networking just as you’ve told us most opportunities do. I had an internal champion at Sage who is a Sales Rep I worked with a number of years ago and he put my resume in front of the right people and provided insight along the way. It’s been in process since early January and has had several roadblocks and stops along the way but it finally came through!

Also, the base salary is higher that what I was previously making at Oracle – and I was convinced that any next job was going to be a pay cut for sure. Who said God doesn’t have a sense of humor?

There is more to this story that I will tell you in person. But for now, please know that I’m so very grateful for you and this ministry. It has sharpened me, encouraged me, and given me hope when I was at my lowest. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and leading this ministry so faithfully. You are a blessing, my friend!

Overjoyed and still somewhat trying to process it all.

See you Friday morning!!!

– Neal Nelson

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