We are suspending meetings for a few weeks. Let’s participate fully in social distancing so we can defeat the coronavirus. Check back for update

17 February 2025
Job search ministry for professionals in transition.
We are suspending meetings for a few weeks. Let’s participate fully in social distancing so we can defeat the coronavirus. Check back for update
Have you ever been called in the morning for a face-to-face interview in the same afternoon? Our topic tomorrow is “Preparing for an Interview.” The purpose of the session is to review and discuss some very important things you can do to get ready for an interview.
We’ve had terrific success lately at my office preparing clients for interviews. Two gentlemen and one lady have final interviews this week. One lady we trained last week received a job offer this week. Another gentleman has an interview next Monday. My all-time favorite story was with a gentleman who hired us to do a full-scale, three-hour role play with him. He landed a job as president of the U.S. division of a Dutch company.
Come this week for a taste of this successful strategy.
To be better prepared for the meeting, bring your preparation notes for an upcoming job interview. If you don’t have an interview scheduled, bring notes from an interview you’ve already been to, or, bring a job lead for a position at a target company.
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for directions and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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“Why did you leave your last job?”
This issue has prevented many of you from landing a job. To make matters worse, you don’t even know you are not receiving offers because of this one question. To be better prepared for the meeting, bring your answer to this question: Why did you leave your most recent position? The one before? And the one before that?
Our topic for this Friday (8/23/2019) is “Developing and Delivering Your Exit Statement.”
We will also cover four more difficult questions that may be causing you to crash and burn in the interview room.
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for directions and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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Our topic this Friday is “Who’s on Your A-Team? How to knock down one obstacle at a time and land your dream job.”
King Solomon, one of the wisest men ever, said, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed (Proverbs 15:22).” The more career coaching I do, the more important I see this as the cornerstone of an effective job campaign. People who have advisory teams get better results in less time. Come Friday and find out why.
“Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice (Proverbs 13:10).”
BTW, the person with the highest hippo score in January last year accepted a job the following week. The person with the second highest hippo score accepted a job the following week. Coincidence? I don’t think so!
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for directions and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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Been looking for hippos lately? If not, I recommend you come to JobSeekers on Friday. You’ll learn to look for hippos, and then to execute them.
Hippos are one of the key elements that determine how soon and how successful you are in your job search. Hippos are also critical to sales people, sales managers, executives and entrepreneurs. Come tomorrow and learn how to find and execute “hippos.”
Hippos, by the way, are “high payoff activities.” In 26 years in the career management business, I’ve met only of handful of people who truly live by the concepts I will teach on Friday.
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for directions and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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Delighted to report that several clients have landed jobs in the past couple of weeks! What I’m teaching at JobSeekers this Friday is fundamental to the process we use here at O’Farrell Career Management. It’s part of the process that these clients used to earn their offers.
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Tired of beating your head against the wall? Our topic this week, “Seven Job Search Strategies and Their Relative Effectiveness” might help end your frustration and pain.
The holiday season is over. School is gearing back up. It’s time to get off the sidelines and back in the game! It seems many people are experiencing some serious inertia this week. Come to JS this Friday and get your mojo back!
I’ll teach you what works (and why) and what doesn’t (and why not). I will share something that I’ve never seen on another career website, or seen in another book, or heard from another career coach. If you embrace this concept, prepare yourself thoroughly, and maintain a positive attitude you can and will land a job.
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for more information about the meetings and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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This week’s topic about personal branding, “Building Your Own Brand: How to put what you’re selling into one clear concise and powerful message,” is vitally important to every job seeker.
Have you ever thought of yourself as a brand? Yes, we all have our own personal brand whether we devote any thought or energy to it or not. As job seekers, we can scarcely ignore this important dimension of our campaigns.
There are many elements that make up a strong brand, and we teach these elements throughout the six-month curriculum. This week we will tie all this together as we create our own advertising slogan and business cards. You can use your new material as you are out and about during the summer vacation season.
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for more information about the meetings and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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Many people leave the interview not knowing where they stand. Some ask, “Dave, I had a great interview three weeks ago and haven’t heard back. Should I contact them?” The three-step process I will teach on Friday is the remedy to prevent this quandary.
You will learn two very powerful questions to move your candidacy forward to the next step in the process. You will also learn one powerful tie-down question that will save you a lot of heartache later on. This is a can’t-miss meeting.
BTW, this framework works in many other situations; e.g., at the end of a project management meeting.
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for more information about the meetings and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Corporate Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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But here’s what I really want to say:
Hi friends, Billy Mays here for JobSeekers of Peachtree City! Come tomorrow to learn the amazing secrets of how to earn $10,000 in just seven weeks! Yes, you can have it all by using the strategy, tools and skills taught at the exciting, fun-filled, action-packed meetings held every Friday morning at First Baptist Church of Peachtree City!
Don’t delay! Set your alarm now! Don’t miss this holiday networking event! Yes, these methods work like magic when applied with a healthy dose of a positivity and the power of prayer!
And it’s all yours for only $1.00! A whopping $120 value, for only $1.00. Here’s how to order!
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for meeting day, time and location.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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Another interviewing skills topic this week: “Resolving Objections and Concerns About Your Candidacy.”
Have you been passed over for a position because you were too old or too inexperienced – or for something else? This week’s topic is one of the most important ones I teach. We will learn and practice skills to resolve concerns about age, experience and many other things. Before the meeting, think about concerns employers have had that have prevented you from getting a job. Think about what you will do differently the next time you find yourself in that situation.
Here are a few you may have heard:
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JobSeekers meets every Friday morning at First Baptist Church in Peachtree City from 7:30 to 10:00 am. First Baptist Church is located at 208 Willow Bend Road.
Click here for more information about the meetings and agenda.
See you on Friday!
– Dave O’Farrell
Executive Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant
O’Farrell Career Management
“Atlanta’s most effective career services firm.”
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